Review 3 – Data Analysis Start

I am looking at Mathematica as a tool for analyzing the data through diagrams (graphs, charts, etc) and seeing if I can find any reason for these killings or at least trends that mean something substantial. Here are some of the diagrams i have in mind that might unveil meaningful trends:
* List police county data
    * Graph of when the shootings took place (number of shootings vs time period in weeks/months)
    * Graph of where the shootings took place (number of shootings vs location)
    * Graph of police county and average number of shootings
* List population
    * County population vs police killings in county
    * Racial population composition vs police killings (Multiple lines to represent each race)
* List age
    * county population vs age group in county (histogram/barchart of each age group and their population)
* List threat
    * population of people shot who had weapons (gun, knives, other, unarmed)

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